Thank God for sisters, right?! Okay, about a month ago my sister Amber - always blunt and to the point (which I really do love about her) - said my eyebrows were too thin. I was under the impression that they looked great because "how could they not?" I spent every night plucking them to perfection. So I took a good long look at them and decided she was right...I had plucked the crap out of them and there were hardly any left. So began the long, painfully embarrassing task of growing them out. Which, by the way, I am still in this process so try not to stare. After a couple weeks I decided to go get them professionally shaped, something I had only done once before and thought it hurt like a son of a (insert Christian cuss word).
I decide to really pamper myself so I made an appointment at a spa so I could get a facial to go with it. I got all ready for my esthetician, Sissy (I know, right?), to whip them back into shape. The exchange went a little something like this:
"Hi Missy," I said.
"No Sissy, think of me as your sister."
"Oh, okay, look my eyebrows are a mess and I desparately need help with them."
Sissy leans over to turn a spot light on that I thought would end my sight and says, "Let see what we got here." At this point I'm embarrassed because I know my eyebrows are horrible, with stray hairs everywhere...one growing here and one growing there but none seeming to come together to form a unit.
After a long silent moment, I nervously giggle and say again "I know, a complete mess."
"Um...well, wow, what are you trying to do here?" Sissy says.
So I explain about my sister and trying to grow them out and this is also the moment I decide to call Amber and tell her we're not on speaking terms.
After staring at them for several long minutes, Sissy finally said she really couldn't do anything with them. "You're just going to have to grow them out and come back in a month."
At this revelation, I am devastated because the last 2 weeks have been excruciating already. Plus, it's the summer and everything looks worse when you're outside!
After I leave the spa, I immediately text Amber and then put on my shades. Thank God for sunglasses...
I decide to really pamper myself so I made an appointment at a spa so I could get a facial to go with it. I got all ready for my esthetician, Sissy (I know, right?), to whip them back into shape. The exchange went a little something like this:
"Hi Missy," I said.
"No Sissy, think of me as your sister."
"Oh, okay, look my eyebrows are a mess and I desparately need help with them."
Sissy leans over to turn a spot light on that I thought would end my sight and says, "Let see what we got here." At this point I'm embarrassed because I know my eyebrows are horrible, with stray hairs everywhere...one growing here and one growing there but none seeming to come together to form a unit.
After a long silent moment, I nervously giggle and say again "I know, a complete mess."
"Um...well, wow, what are you trying to do here?" Sissy says.
So I explain about my sister and trying to grow them out and this is also the moment I decide to call Amber and tell her we're not on speaking terms.
After staring at them for several long minutes, Sissy finally said she really couldn't do anything with them. "You're just going to have to grow them out and come back in a month."
At this revelation, I am devastated because the last 2 weeks have been excruciating already. Plus, it's the summer and everything looks worse when you're outside!
After I leave the spa, I immediately text Amber and then put on my shades. Thank God for sunglasses...
I don't remember being that harsh about your eyebrows! :) I am LOVING your blog, Tam!!!
Okay, really that many girls in a family all with toned arms...really?? I feel like I need to be downstairs lifting some dumb bells.
I am laughing outloud!!!! Hysterical.
I'm just laughing to myself, looking at this picture wondering how long it took to get the 'pose' and what you were needing this picture exactly for? Where's Papa Jons...and Dan? :)
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