Friday, August 13, 2010

Hot and Bothered

Last night our air conditioner went out. I am not one of those people who have contests to see how long they can go without turning on their air conditioning at the beginning of summer. In fact, I would probably win a contest for being the first to turn it on. So I called at 10:00 last night and left a message for the cooling guys saying "please come as soon as possible." The prospect of sweating it out through the night put me in a horribly bad mood. I desparately hoped they would get my message, take pity on me and come fix it that night....they didn't. So I woke this morning drenched in sweat and furious at the world.

By 8:45 the company hadn't returned my call (can you believe it?) so I called them again. I was pretty rude and whiny on the phone after they explained to me that it would probably be late afternoon before they could get there. It was already 85 degrees in my house and darn near 100 degrees outside. So I said things like "seriously?" and "you're kidding" and gave long dramatic pauses so they would try to work me into the rotation sooner. I'm not proud of it but I could not hear the voice of reason in my current state of mind. The whole act didn't work anyway because I was "down there on the list a ways" but "if things went well" they possibly could be there sooner.

The girls and I were all very cranky and I'd had enough so I sat us all down and said "let's just pray that the guys come and fix our air soon." I'm ashamed to admit that praying was my last resort in the situation. So I prayed that they would come before noon. They showed up at 11:00. (How many lessons does one have to learn in a week?). The guy looked scared of me when he came to the door probably afraid I would reem him out or something (I felt pretty low at this point). Then Rylie said "Mom, we prayed for him to come!" This melted my heart and made all the sweating worth it because the Lord had shown us both that he cares about the small stuff in our lives. So the air is fixed and the house is slowly cooling down taking my temper with it. I apologized to the air conditioner guy saying something about being "hot and bothered." He said "It's ok, I understand." I hate that I had to apologize and that I couldn't show him mercy and patience in the first place. Blah....sometimes I feel like a hopeless case.

On a different note: Yesterday after he read my post, Eric texted me and said "I liked your post today. I am now a follower." I thought he we just being sarcastic about being a follower of Jesus so I said "Stop being mean!!" Turns out he's now a follower of my blog. I laughed hilariously about this the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Isn't it amazing when our children remind us about the great & small things God does in our lives? I think I would have told Eric you and the girls were coming in to help him at work until it got fixed! By the way, I think Kelly is a follower as well!

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