The other day I had a lot of errands to run. I usually only like to go to 1 or 2 places at a time with both my kids because they totally fall apart if I push them too hard. But, I had a ton of things to do so I decided to just drag them around with me. Big mistake. Sometimes I wonder if my kids get together and plan how they are going to sabotage me when we go out in public. I imagine their exchange going a little something like this....
Rylie - "Hey Austyn, how should we embarrass mom today?"
Austyn - "Awesome! We get to do that again? Okay, when we go to the library I'll hit my head on the table and scream like I don't do this kind of thing every 5 seconds. She'll have to take me out into the hall and then I'll insist on drinking out of the water fountain at least 5 times."
Rylie - "Good idea, and while you're screaming I'll go ahead and pull a bunch of books off the shelf. It's always funny to watch mom try to find out where they go."
Austyn - "After that we'll probably go to the bank so make sure you help me beg and whine for suckers until we get them. Then at the grocery store I'll make it known to everyone (by fussing, of course) that I would rather walk, than ride in the cart."
Rylie - "Ya, hopefully they have lemonade at the bank too...I'll make sure and get the kiddie cart at the grocery store so I can ram into the back of mom's legs. There's just something about watching pain turn into fury. I love that she can't yell at me in public so we need to push her to the limit. And remember we haven't won unless she says 'Why me, Lord?' out loud."
What is it about a picture that makes kids look so innocent?
Ok...i so needed that laugh today. SO SO true....i can relate to all of that drama!! I probably look like a hot mess when i am in public...especially preggo:) i love your blog....look forward to reading it everytime you post something:))
Love it!
Couldn't agree more about the grocery cart! I used think the little carts were sooo cute and how fun will it be when G can push it around. Now I pray they are gone so I don't have to deal with it. I've already had to deal with a jar of salsa crashing to the floor because, "I can do it mommy, don't help, hey look the back of the tiny cart opens up." Then crash, everything is on the floor. I'm waiting for the day D falls out of the cart because she thinks she needs to walk to! I really dislike shopping with children. And don't even get me started on them placing the small chip bags right where we check out. Note to self, don't take those, they will be smashed from being dropped on the floor, ripped from my children's hands and then smashed back onto the shelves by a whiny 4 yr old. HA!
oh my word, I'm laughing so hard!
Is this what I have to look forward to? :-)
Don't worry Danni you have a few good years ahead of you. You'll be so in love with your new baby that you would never dream of being annoyed with her! Promise I'll write a blog on how much I love my children one of these days! :)
I love tou hear your stories!! Sometimes I feel like I am the only mom that goes through this! Oh the pain when those dang carts hit right above the heel and both kids have to have them so double the fun!!
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