Thursday, August 26, 2010

These are the People

Every once in a while people come into your life and change it forever. These are the people who changed my life forever. Their names are Stephen and Mary K Humber. Stephen is our associate pastor and he and Mary K lead our Sunday School class. I'm not sure I've told these two what a significant role they've played in my growth with the Lord. So this is me doing that.

We started going to our church a few months after we moved here...been about 6 years ago I think. We felt the Lord calling us to this church, and felt like we immediately belonged. Eric and I probably went to church 6 months to a year before we started going to Sunday School class. We had been invited a lot but never felt like going because we didn't want to be uncomfortable. We tried a class, felt uncomfortable, so we never went back. Then Stephen invited Eric to go to Thailand with him and everything began to change. Eric felt honored to even be invited since we weren't even involved in any way with the church.
After that trip, we began to attend a young married class that Stephen and Mary K led. I had never met anyone quite like them. Totally passionate about the gospel but also very, very real. Up to that point I'd never met a pastor I could relate to. They all seemed head and shoulders above the a life of perfection, having all the answers. I think this kept me from trying to learn more about the Lord because I felt like this "perfect," no sin kind of life felt unattainable for me. I'm sure if I would have gotten to know my pastors better I would have seen a different side of them.

Let's just say that Stephen and Mary K have no qualms about letting you know their struggles. They actually came to class one day totally ticked off at each other and not on speaking terms (we were studying love and respect in your marriage at the time). I love this! I'm sure it sucked for them but it sure taught me a lot. You can be totally in love with the Lord and simultaneously nasty to your spouse...who would've thought?

This living life wide open was a new concept for me and really appealed to me. These two meet people where they're at. I think many pastors forget what it's like to be at the very beginning of your spiritual walk so they can't identify with you. This class and time spent with these passionate people kick started my search for a deeper faith. A faith I didn't know existed. Their passion was contagious. I learned how to really study the Bible and listen for God's still learning.
Stephen and Mary K often talk about wanting to be on the mission field. They don't understand why God has them in this town. Well, I know why. And if it's for me and only for me.....thank you. Thank you for showing me what a real life Christian looks like. Thank you for not judging. Thank you for loving and caring about those of us who are already saved but don't know how to live this faith out. Thank you for answering God's call.

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