Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Popular Choice

I was reading John 19 this morning. I've heard the story of Jesus's Crucifixion a hundred times but I've probably only read it a few. It's amazing what you can pick up on by reading it. John 19 is mainly covering Pilate's decision to crucify Jesus.

I actually found myself sympathizing with Pilate today. I can almost see him - hands wringing, soul troubled, mind warring against this decision before him. Pilate knew Jesus was telling the truth...he was, in fact, the King of the Jews. He knew he was innocent, yet the pull of the people and his own life hanging in the balance was too much for him.

If Jesus had just said a few words to Pilate or performed a miracle, leaving no doubt about his Deity I think Pilate would have freed him. But Jesus kept silent. Only saying, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." He let Pilate choose his own path. Much like he does with us today.

God allows us to make our own choices. For Pilate, the opinion of the crowd was more important than doing the right thing. He knew what was right, he even wrote - Jesus of Nazareth: King of the Jews - on the cross. But, in the end, he gave in to pressure, the popular decision...he gave the people what they wanted. Would I have done the same thing? Don't know. It just made me wonder how many times I've been in this situation. The Lord just sitting there waiting for me to make the right decision.

How many times have I done what Pilate did? Make the popular choice. Give in to anger toward my kids, give in to selfish desires, give in to what others want me to do. Every time I face a choice God could come down and blow a trumpet and say "Wow, are you really gonna say that to your husband?" (ok now I'm envisioning myself pushing him out of the way, smashing the trumpet and saying "Heck yes I'm gonna say it!") But God doesn't do this, he allows me to choose. He's definitely whispering in my ear though. Sometimes I wish He would come down and put me in my place, but I think His Word does a fine job for now.

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