My mom came for a visit over the last few days. I love when she visits. She's from South Dakota so these moments are few and far between, but precious as all get out. We pack more in the days when she's here than most people do in a month.
First event, Austyn's birthday party. Her birthday isn't until October 2nd but since mom was here I thought we'd celebrate early.
I made this cake:
Two days and several Christian curse words went into making this cake. I suppose love for my little Aussie drove me to make it, but when I was frosting it I was actually thinking more along the lines of "she better appreciate this cake or I'll #?!.". I now hate Dora.
This is what I looked like after I made this cake:
I'm not kidding. I literally had to go to my favorite massage therapist followed by a visit to the chiropractor yesterday.
Austyn was so excited when she got her new Dora doll.
Not so excited when sister took it away:
Sharing the limelight is a bit of an issue in our house.
Main Event: Arts and Crafts Fair. This is how I lured my mom into coming. She's a sucker every time. Once she's taken the bait I then plan everything else around her visit. While I'd love to say it's me and my kids she comes to see...we'd best be truthful about it - it's the love of a unique find at the craft fair. I've inherited this love from her. She found lots of great treasures.
I found this beauty:
I'm verging on the brink of having too many flower arrangements in my home...I'm going to be the 80 year old lady who has fake flowers in all my pots outside and randomly stuck in decorations.
Worst event: State Fair. We thought we'd go visit the State Fair in Hutch. It sounded like a great plan at the time but when we got there on Sunday it was overcrowded and hovering around 90 degrees. I was instantly cranky. Even before my kids! We stopped at the petting zoo, rode rides, visited the butter sculpture, saw the biggest pumpkin exhibit - it weighed in at 771 lbs in case you're interested. I wasn't, I was too sweaty and hot. I was holding it together until I stopped to get my favorite snack at the State Fair: fried cheese curds. But they were out of them! I get these every year and I was just sure they would bring me out of my depressing! Remind me not to go on the last day of the fair next year.

Thanks for the great visit mom....miss you already!
I,m nearing the 80 mark, but I haven't put artifcial flowers in my out side pots yet!!! But I am wondering how long I can water flowers everyday. Sounds like you had a great time when your mom was there. Dwaine and I went to the SD State Fair and I wore out so I rented a scooter, but Dwaine was too proud to rent one.Ha!Did get to see your mom and Pat barrell race. Loved your blog.Nothing new for the other ones to want to help open gifts.Dwaine's grandchildren do that to. Just be glad you don't have 10!!!!!!! Love all of you!!Grandma
The cake turned out sooo cute! If Dillyn wants a Dora cake, I know who to call! ha! Sounds like you had a great time with your mom. Loved the neck brace pic too. Really made me laugh!
I am laughing so hard about the neck brace! I do understand though...frosting cakes is hard on the neck and shoulders... so tense for the hours it takes to make it. Glad you had a good time with your Mom. I love Mom Visits! I wish I had a craft fair to trick my mom into coming!
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