Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When I go shopping I tend to get suckered in by good salespeople.  If they give me a good sales pitch I have a really hard time saying no.  I don't even think it's because they've talked up the product so well, it's more that I want to reward them for doing such a good job.  Then if I don't buy what they're selling I feel a little guilty for taking up their time.  

I wish I could be more rational and say, "no, I just came in for my free panty, I don't need a new bra. I don't care if it makes me look 2 cup sizes bigger. What makes you think I need the extra help anyway?"  But all of the sudden it begins to sound like something I can't live without and how can I say no to that? Rationality goes out the window.

For this reason, I usually walk into stores with my head down and try not to make eye contact with sales associates.

So I was going through my makeup drawer the other day and came across this:

I bought it on vacation a year ago and have used it maybe....twice?  What the heck do I need to mist my face for? The only thing that will give me a fresher look these days is a good night's rest and maybe some prozac. This is for people who actually wear makeup to more events than just church. 

Can you say sucker? 

If this looks like something you would use, it's all yours....I've got it on good authority that it's the best face mist money can buy.


Chaos-Jamie said...

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! I'll trade you my migraine reducing neck pillow for it!

Rachel said...

I think one of the best examples of "suckered" is when someone buys $120 worth of green apple cleaner! I think I remember someone saying they would back that sucker up when she told her husband, but then ran upstairs and hid until it was over!

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