Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pump It Up

Recently my friend Anna and I got some groupons for a pop in playtime at Pump it Up.  We took our girls today and had a blast!  It's a perfect place for a cooped up mom and kids.  We got to burn off some of our winter energy together.

At the end of our play time, I'm not sure who was more tired - the moms or the kids.

Here are a few things I appreciated about Pump It Up playtimes

~ no kids 7 and older allowed (so no older kids were plowing over the little ones)

~ fairly inexpensive (under 23 mo. and moms are free)

~ not overly crowded

~ only 1 1/2 hours - perfect amount of time to get a lot of fun in!

What a fun place!  We will be going back! 

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