Friday, March 18, 2011


While reading a magazine, I came across a book review for this book the other day...

I haven't actually read the book but the title and the review sum it up pretty well I imagine.  With more and more women joining and becoming powerful in the workforce, men have become less depended upon. This has kind of left them floundering in a way and, not having to "man up" and provide, they are staying "boys" longer. This does kind of make sense...

So, merely hours after reading this review, I got my cousin's wedding invitation in the mail.  I decided to go ahead and RSVP because I knew if I didn't soon it would probably get lost. So here's how I RSVP'd...

M  r. and Mrs. Tami Driggers

Number of attending____4___



I told Eric how I responded and he just laughed and said, "that doesn't surprise me." 

Consider this reassurance to my husband...I do need you and appreciate you manning up for me, I just don't understand formalities.

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