Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are you Kidding Me?

Please tell me you have days like this:

My girls had a fight over this today...

Not just a little fight, a serious tears and screaming fight.  Over a broken piece of window cling that is 1 centimeter big at best.  They didn't even know what it was, just that one had it and the other one didn't.

So I said, "Are you kidding me?  You are actually fighting over this??" And I confiscated it, like I always do when they fight over something.  They fight over it...it becomes mine.

So now the window cling is in the trash where it probably came from in the first place.

And I'm realizing there are days when I feel like I have taught nothing useful, done nothing right, am fighting a losing battle, and feel like just throwing in the towel.

And today is one of them.

But at least some fights are worth a good laugh.


Erin M. said...

I have 3 girls and yes, I have that day too. All. the. time. Being able to laugh is a gift that helps me keep things in perspective...most of the time! Somebody told me the other day that my girls were just practicing to be teenagers. I didn't find that very funny. I'm not ready for that stage yet.

MotherT said...

Been through it. Matter of fact, I could write the book on it!! Most times, fighting between sibs is best handled by separating them. Make them go to different rooms or different parts of the room and don't allow them to interact with each other for a space of time.

As my girls got older (9-10 yrs. old) I would make them write apologies to each other and to me everytime! It killed them to have to write nicely to each other.

Good luck!

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