Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meeting Blake

We got to have our friends Anna and Jarod over last night to officially meet Blake, their new son.  I felt like I already knew him from reading her blog and keeping updated on her adoption process, but it still seemed surreal to have him in our home.  He was totally squeezable, adorable and as active as any little boy around!

I am continually amazed at the heart of my friend.  See how busy she is?

But she's so happy to have all her kids under one roof. I'm sure there will be many tough times ahead, but she was willing.  Despite the unknowns of raising a down's syndrome baby and the unknowns of adoption in general she was willing to do what not many people do. 

I'm actually fortunate to have a lot of people around me who have adopted or are in the process and I think that's an awesome thing.  Not only for them, but for me. They kind of prompt me to ask myself, would I be this accepting?  Loving?

Because of Anna and Jarod and my sister/brother-in-law, adoption is a hot topic in our house right now. Rylie recently asked, "Mom, when are we going to adopt?"  Don't you just love a child-like faith?  I love that it seems like the norm to her that people take others into their lives and homes without hesitation.

Adoption is commonplace in my circle of friends and family.  And, what a gift! 

Obviously it's a gift to the child.  Not only are they brought into a loving home, but they are going to be surrounded by other kids in the community who have also been adopted.

It's a gift to the families who are adopting. At the very least, they are given a chance to grow in faith and love as they try to figure out how best to do this thing God has asked of them.

And it's a gift to those of on the outside looking in.  We get to participate in the process, watch the kids grow and flourish in their new homes, and above all, ask ourselves, could I possibly do something like this?  Does God want this for my life too?  What way can I show love to others as unselfishly as these people have?

So, thank you to those of you who follow the Lord's leading in your lives without hesitation.  Your love is abounding and it truly is a gift.  May the glory and praise be to God!

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:9-11
~ This week's verse


Anonymous said...

Tammy, this made tears come to my eyes! We have been blessed so much by those around us who are supporting us in our adoption of 'our girls'. Its an amazing and stressful journey, but having friends that support and love us through this is a blessing beyond words!

Dan & Tara said...

So neat to see! I love seeing adoptive families! I also love hearing of child-like faith. It seems so obvious to children that we should adopt! What a blessing to have faith like that! Thanks for sharing!

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