Friday, March 23, 2012

Promises, Promises

Eric and I have made a lot of promises to each other over the last 10 years of marriage.  We started with a beautiful poetic kind of promise - "I promise to love you until death do us part," but our promises have kind of morphed into desperation pleas to one another.

Year One

Me: "Just promise me we will someday get out of this cockroach-infested dump of an apartment."

Year Two

Him: "Promise me you are going to ask your bosses for a raise, we're never going to make it on your salary with me in school full time."

Year Three

Me:  "Can you promise to save me a seat at the KU game? I have to work late."

Year Four

Him:  "Will you promise to pray that I'll pass my Pharmacy boards?"

Year Five

Me: "Promise me that you will still love me if I don't lose this baby weight."

Year Six

Him:  "You better promise to love me even if I run this business into the ground."

Year Seven

Me: "I have something to tell you but you have to promise to be excited.....I'm pregnant again."

Year Eight

Him: "Do not say 'yes' to another commitment...promise?"

Year Nine

Me:  "Promise not to call me crazy, but I think I want another baby."

Year Ten

(I just have to chuckle because after the third addition to our family, we've kind of resorted to this pathetic begging.)

Now whenever one of us leaves the house we most usually say....

"Whatever you do, just promise me you're coming back."

1 comment:

Kimberlee Jost said...

SO true.
Do I really say to Bruce "Return to me" every time he leaves town? I do. Pathetic movie ruined me for good. Have you seen it? Don't.

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