Monday, December 2, 2013


I decided to venture out on Black Friday with all three kids.

Crazy, I know.

My mission was one store, Carter's, to get a cute outfit for my little niece for Christmas.  Early bird specials for those who made it before noon, how could I resist?  So we went.

It actually went surprisingly well.  The girls played happily while I found the perfect outfit and waited in a line 15 people deep.  Deal scored.  Mission Accomplished.

I decided to reward them with a lunch date at Burger King play place. 

Crazy, I know.

What mother in her right mind goes to a play place in the middle of winter?  But, we hand sanitizered up and went for it....Burger King crowns and all.  We had a great time and were all happy as we jumped in the car to go home. 

I was feeling pretty on top of my game as a mother....invincible.  I had just successfully navigated my brood through large crowds without losing my mind and was completely fearless about a public germ mine.  Pretty impressive.

Then came the ride home.

Not more than 5 minutes passed in the car and Bri was screaming because she had thrown her pacifier and ducky on the floor and wanted them NOW! 

As I was playing that dangerous game "reach-as-far-back-behind-you-as-you-possibly-can-while-driving-to-find-the-paci" as so many mothers do, Austyn yelled from the back "mom, my tummy hurts!"  Rylie quickly chimed in saying her ear was hurting her too.  I figured it was to one-up her sister.

Meanwhile Rylie has been navigating my hand movements, "Mom, the paci is right there, no, to the left, too far!  Up, back a little, right there!  Mom you missed it!"

Bri, "Waaaaaaaaaa!"

Austyn, "Mom, I think I'm going to throw up!  Waaaaaaa!"

Rylie, "Mom my ear is really hurting! I think I have an ear infection....waaaaaaa!"

As I screeched to a halt on the side of the road and watched Austyn dry heave out the window, I thought, "Seriously?  It took all of 10 minutes to get sick from the play place.  I'm the worst mother ever!"

Then it dawned on me.  No.  I was the mother everyone hates.  I brought the sick kids to the play place. 



Mwahahahahahahaha. HA!!!!  (Insert Mr. Evil laugh from Austin Powers.)

I find this deeply satisfying and I'm not sure why.  Paybacks, I guess.
(Unless of course I know you and you were at Burger King on Friday, then I feel really guilty.)

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