Friday, January 20, 2012

Birthdays and Boys

Yesterday Eric turned 33.  The girls insisted that he needed a jayhawk cake.  I tried to talk them into cupcakes. Not because he's not worth making a jayhawk cake for, but more because I haven't slept in weeks and knew my patience and energy level wasn't where it needed to be to decorate a cake with the girls.  I had to weigh the cost/benefit ratio. 

Cost = the girls' very lives  
Benefit =  the girls' excitement over making something for dad

But, in the end the excitement level was just too high for me to refuse them.

So we made a jayhawk cake. I'm not sure it was all that identifiable, it could have been mistaken for a cardinal or angry bird.  However, I kept my cool and the girls were happy, so it was worth the risk. 

So tell me....why is it that 33 sounds good on a man, but the thought of myself turning 33 in a few months makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry?  Okay, everything makes me want to cry right now, but you know what I mean?

When I think about aging, I think about more wrinkles, more cellulite, less attractiveness, being known as middle aged or "a mom" instead of a girl.....

But when I think about Eric aging I think, "hmmm...he'll be handsome at 40." 

Guys only get more distinguished and attractive.  Gray hair even looks good on them.  Birthdays are no big deal for them.  Good grief, boys have it all, don't they?

But, I have no complaints about getting to grow older alongside this one.
Happy Birthday Eric!

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