Monday, July 16, 2012


Ever since I had Brianna I feel like my life is spiraling out of control and I can't do a gosh darn thing to stop it.  My brain is complete mush...I've missed or been late to so many things I've lost count.  My house is a constant mess, I rarely get a good hot meal on the table, I don't even know who my friends are anymore it's been so long since I've hung out with them. 

But what I've come to find out is that I don't even necessarily have to be present for my life to be in shambles.  This can all be explained by the following numbers.

It all began with this first number....


The amount of days I was gone camping in South Dakota.


The number of messages waiting for me on my answering machine saying that my dog had been out.


Pretty sure this is how many times my dog had actually been out.


How many fires I had in my landscaping from fireworks while we were gone.

 Goodbye beautiful grass...


The number of times I've thanked (our new) neighbors for calling the fire department and saving our house from being burned down.


Probably close to the times I've thanked God for our house not burning down.


The number of times the police have been to my house in the last week. 


The level of embarrassment I experienced from the last police visit.
 (Our dog was out...again.  He was bringing her back.....again.  We had just gotten home from camping the day before.  I'd spent the previous night puking my guts out so Eric warned the girls NOT to wake their mom up in the morning.  A knock on the door.  A policeman.  "Is your mom there?"  He wanted to know.  Rylie was stuck between a rock and a hard place....should she disobey her father and wake me up? Or obey the police officer?  Well, she chose the police after they assured her it was an emergency.  Then I entered the picture in my pajamas, glasses, frizzy hair, and probably looking to him like I had one-too-many the night before.  He didn't seem too impressed with my mothering skills and informed me to mend my fence.)

The number of times I've wondered what he was thinking.


The amount of times I've wanted to kill my dog.

1 comment:

Nat said...

What about the number of puppies you think Shelby will have in her first litter after getting out so many times? :)

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