Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life with Three

Several people have asked me how I'm adjusting to life with 3 kids.  Mainly my answer is, "It's craziness."  But it's a good crazy.  I'm just happy being in full family mode.  I think you're so relaxed as a parent by #3 that nothing seems that stressful. 

Everyone says that you're outnumbered when you have that third child.  But heck, I was outnumbered when I had 2, so now I'm just in the defensive position at all times.  All you can really do is laugh when things are completely out of control. 

My older girls have been from another planet lately...(writing on each others butts is just the tip of the iceberg).  My house is a complete wreck.  Laundry is piled high. Whenever I'm running late, something like this happens to make me even later.

But, hey, life is good.  I love having another little girl to smother with kisses.  And to dress completely impractical for everyday.  I love making her smile with my annoying baby talk.  And love watching her sisters interact with her.

Most of all, I love how every cute new thing she does makes me stand in awe of the Lord.  And just looking at her perfect little fingers and toes amazes me.  It makes me wonder how someone can not believe in the Creator when something is so completely and wonderfully made.


jamiemrich said...

You're such a wonderful Mommy! Your girls (and hubby) are blessed by you each and every day! I sure enjoy reading your blog and what life is REALLY like and how to see and rely on God through it.
Love ya and miss you guys,

jamiemrich said...
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