Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Birthday "Sweetie"

Happy Birthday Eric! 
A big "I Love You" to the best husband, friend, and father out there.

Eric's parents brought over a box of his old college stuff as a "birthday present".  May I just say, (with a good dose of sarcasm) thank you so much! How long will it sit on my counter before I find a place for it :)?

However, it was a good trip down memory lane. There were a few gems in it including some old love letters from me. I asked my mother-in-law if she read any of them and she said "no, I wouldn't do that!" To which I replied "why not! I would have!"  To heck with people's privacy when you have such juicy literature in front of you.

But, after I opened a few of them up I was eternally grateful that she hadn't read them. One went directly into the fireplace after I read something about wanting to touch Eric's pecs. What was I thinking putting that in writing? Geez, use your head Tam.

In my defense, #2 was looking pretty good.

Here's one of the tamer ones...

Yes, that's my writing - not my 4 year old's. The keyboard is my friend.  And, "Sweetie?"  (Gag reflex) Who was this girl and what was she thinking?  Makes me wonder if 18 years old is still too young to date.

These letters were extremely painful to read mainly because I wish I could go back in time and slap myself across the face for all the dumb things I said.  I'm just glad we're still together because if those were in circulation somewhere I would die.

So here's to you Eric, for sticking by me through the "dumb" years.

Happy Birthday!


Suebhoney said...

You kill me! I wrote the same lame stuff to Dave and came across them in Nov. as I was cleaning out my "junk" to get ready for Christmas. I think all girls do that. I wanted to burn them asap, but someone thought he had to keep them. We started dating my freshman year in h.s. you can imagine the # of cheesy letters I found. YIKES!

Nat said...

That's awesome! I loved college...good times :)

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Eric! You crack me up Tam! Kelly and I laughed through the entire post!

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